Wide Face Wheel Brushes
Wide Face Wheel Brushes
WIDE FACE WHEEL BRUSHES KNOTWIRE,HEANY DUTY Heavy——duty design with wide face they are good for rubber flashing and motor mounts cleaning. APPLlCATlONS: Welding prepartion/rubber flashing/pipe cleaning.
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Wide Face Wheel Brushes
Wide Face Wheel Brushes
WIDE FACE WHEEL BRUSHES KNOTWIRE,HEAVY DUTY Heavy——duty design with wide face they are good for rubber flashing and motor mounts cleaning. APPLlCATlONS: Welding prepartion/rubber flashing/pipe cleaning.
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Wide Face Wheel Brushes
Wide Face Wheel Brushes
WIDE FACE WHEEL BRUSHES,CRIMPED WIRE The brushes are heavily filled and provide fast,efficiency brushing,which fit directly onto 30mm diameter arbors without adapters.plastic or steel adapters for mountinga ontosmall shaft must be specified.adapter sizes:l/2II,5/8”,3/4”.7/8“.1”   APPLICATION: Deburning/surface finishing/rust removal/Ideal bench motor brush
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